Media and NGOs:
Learn more about the occupation
Follow and support Palestinian organisations and activists
Follow action groups in the UK
Follow these media:
Aljazeera: You can explore their platform here.
Arab Studies Institute: Follow their platform here.
Double Down News: You can explore their platform here.
Eye on Palestine: Their social media platform here.
Novara Media: Access their platform here.
The Institute of Middle-East Understanding: Access here.
Breaking Point: Krystal and Saagar are great: Youtube channel here.

CPSC does not necessarily endorse or support the content on the below listed links...
Khalidi, Rashid. Palestinian identity: The construction of modern national consciousness. Columbia University Press, 2010.
Khalidi, Walid. From Haven to Conquest: Readings in Zionism and the Palestine Problem until 1948. Institute for Palestine Studies, 1987.
Said, Edward W. The question of Palestine. Vintage, 1992.
Khalidi, Rashid. The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017. Metropolitan Books, 2020.
Pappe, Ilan. The ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Simon and Schuster, 2007.
Pappe, Ilan. The idea of Israel: A history of power and knowledge. Verso Books, 2014.
Pappe, Ilan. A history of modern Palestine: One land, two peoples. Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Said, Edward W. The politics of dispossession: The struggle for Palestinian self-determination, 1969-1994. Vintage, 2012.
Tilley, Virginia. Beyond occupation: apartheid, colonialism and international law in the occupied Palestinian territories. Pluto Press, London, 2012.
Gould, Rebecca Ruth, and Malaka Shwaikh. The Palestine Exception to Academic Freedom: Intertwined Stories from the Frontlines of UK-Based Palestine Activism, 2020.
Hill, Marc Lamont and Mitchell Plitnick. Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics. The New Press, 2021.
Barghouti, Omar. BDS: Boycott, divestment, sanctions: The global struggle for Palestinian rights. Haymarket Books, 2011.
Bashir, Bashir, and Azar Dakwar. “Rethinking the Politics of Israel/Palestine: Partition and Its Alternatives.” S&D Group in the European Parliamet/Bruno Kreisky Forum for international Dialogue, Vienna. 2014.
Said, Edward W. Peace and its discontents: Essays on Palestine in the Middle East peace process. Vintage, 2012.

Films & Documentaries:
Breaking the Silence Video Testimonies (2016). You can watch it here.
A must-listen FULL LETTER : by Chris Hedges to the children of Gaza. Watch it here.
Budrus: It Takes a Village to Unite the Most Divided People on Earth (2010). Watch it here.
Jenin, Jenin (2003). Mohammad Bakri. Watch on Vimeo here. You may need to create a free account.
Rebel Architecture: The Architecture of Violence (2014). Eyal Weizman. Watch on YouTube here.
The Price of Oslo (2013). Watch 2 parts series on Aljazeera here.
Israelism: How deep do indoctrination and Israeli army glorification go?. Watch on Aljazeera here.
Norman Finkelstein - Israel and Palestine 2008 by Case Western Reserve University
Noura Erakat's Speech “In This Moment” published by Jadaliyaa
Nowhere Left to Go (2012) Directed by Harvey Stein. Watch here
Al Nakba (2013) series by Aljazeera Four parts. Watch
The Great Book Robbery: Chronicles of a Cultural Destruction (2012). Watch here

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