Palestine Film Night

Date: 2nd February, 7.30 pm – 9 pm

Location: Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge

Cambridge PSC is hosting the showing of two films. ‘Shooting the Messenger’ 2022 (13 minutes) is a short documentary about the deliberate killing and intimidation of Palestinian journalists, including Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh. The second film, ‘A story of Ethnic Cleansing’ 2022 (17 minutes), documents the ethnic cleansing of Al Arakeeb village in the Naqab desert, which has been destroyed 204 times by the Israeli army.

The Director, Musheir El-Farra, will introduce the films and take questions after their screening. Production was by Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign,  photography and editing were done in the Gaza Strip by the Palestinian Vanguard Channel. The event is free, with opportunity to donate towards specific children’s projects in the Gaza Strip.


Being Young in Palestine

Date: Monday 30th May
Time: 7 pm
Location: Jesus Lane Quaker Meeting House, 12 Jesus Lane, Cambridge 

Youth workers from Palestine are here as guests of Camden Abu Dis Friendship Association. They are part of CADFA’s ‘Building Hope’ project. Growing up in occupied Palestine means facing systematic discrimination, denial and abuse of your basic human rights, continuous surveillance and the raw violence of home demolitions, detentions, injuries, and deaths. How do young Palestinians cope? Come and hear from youth workers visiting from Jenin and Ramallah. And help build support for justice for the Palestinian people.

Help CADFA raise the money to bring Palestinian youth workers and young people to the UK this summer to meet young people, share experiences together and tell each other about their lives. Please donate to the Just giving page on the QR code or at:

Actions in Cambridge 22nd May #GazaUnderAttack

Cambridge PSC  SATURDAY PLANS in coordination with the George Floyd Anniversary event.

Every effort is being made for the London Palestine March to be even bigger than last week, so people are encouraged to go to that if they possibly can.

However if you are staying in Cambridge there are some choices, which can be combined.

Many may want to support the event starting at 1.00 pm on Parkers Piece, as well as show support for Palestine.

We will set up the Cambridge PSC stall in Market Square at 12.00, and then join the Movement Against Racism when they arrive on King’s Parade.

You can:

Visit us at our stall in the Market Square from about 12.15

OR Arrive at Parker’s Piece at 1.00 for the George Floyd Anniversary (including protest march)

AND/OR Go to King’s Parade (in front of St. Mary’s church) for speeches at about 2.00.

Eyewitness Account: Human Rights in Palestine

Organised by Cambridge City Amnesty Group

Monitoring Human Rights in
Palestine: an eyewitness account
14th November, 2019 at 7.30pm
Friends Meeting House, Jesus Lane Cambridge
Hear what it is like to work as a human rights monitor on
the West Bank. Questions like what is daily life like under
occupation for the Palestinians and what is the Palestinian
and Israeli peace movement trying to do about it? Paul Clark
recently returned after 3 months in Hebron with the Christian Peacemaker Team and will tell us about the many challenges he faced. Previously he has spent two three-month periods with the
Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Jerusalem
(2016) and Bethlehem (2017).
Free entrance, Zaytoun Palestinian produce for sale

Talk: Friday of Joy in Gaza

Organised by North Herts PSC

We are pleased to announce that David Harrold and Mohamed Altawil, from the Palestine Trauma Centre (UK), will be giving us a presentation of their project “Friday of Joy in Gaza”. This is project supervised by the PTC (UK) involving street theatre and entertainment project with a therapeutic aim.

Date: Wednesday 13th November
Time: 7.00 pm
Place: Wholesome Weigh, 37 Churchyard, Hitchin, Herts SG5 1DW

Entrance to this event is FREE, and open to everyone. Donations afterwards would be appreciated.

Please come along to what is sure to be a very enlightening and uplifting evening and support the work of the Palestine Trauma Centre.

Talk: Drama out of a Crisis – Gaza Project – 12th November

Venue: Friends Meeting House Jesus Lane
Time: 7.30 pm Tuesday 12 November 2019

Nick Bilbrough founder of the Hands Up project will be in conversation with Jeremy Harmer, English language teaching author practitioner and trainer. Nick will give an illustrated talk about this fantastic project which engages Gazan children in drama and storytelling.

In 2014, using very simple video conferencing tools, Nick started connecting online to a small group of children in a library in Beit Hanoun, Gaza for weekly storytelling sessions. From these humble beginnings, the Hands Up Project now works with over thirty different groups in Gaza, in the Occupied West Bank, and in Zaatari refugee camp for Syrian children in Jordan. As many as 500 children a week now connect to volunteers around the world who work in collaboration with the local teacher to tell stories to each other, to play games and to do other activities to help them bring the English that they are learning come to life.

Please reserve your (free) place here to give us an idea of numbers

Further info

Hands Up is an excellent project teaching children in Gaza English
through drama.

You can see some of the children’s work here

They are currently trying to raise funds for a tour. Please make a small
donation if you can

Walking to Jerusalem

Passion Pit Theatre, in association with Amos Trust & Hodder and Stoughton presents:
WALKING TO JERUSALEM: blisters, hope and other facts on the ground, written & performed by Justin Butcher and directed by Matilda Reith.
‘So impressive – interweaving face-to-face experiences and political realities, displays the kind of unusual empathy essential in that tangled and tragic situation.’ Brian Eno (Artist & Musician).

St Paul’s Church, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1JP
25th October at 7.30pm
Book tickets: 0800 411 8881


Youtube reviews:

October Coffee Mornings for Gaza Women

October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month,  the coffee mornings at the Community Centre at St Augustine’s Church, Richmond Road, will be dedicated to raising awareness of the problems facing the women in Gaza. We will also be raising funds for the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, to help extend their education and screening program.

The Gaza strip is 25 miles long by about 7 miles wide and is home to some 1.8 million people. Three major conflicts in five years have led to massive levels of destruction and a devastated infrastructure – 90% of water is unsafe to drink and power cuts are currently lasting up to 20 hours a day. During this period, cancer rates have risen drastically in Gaza, which is particularly worrying for women, as breast cancer kills more women than any other form of cancer in there, and the five-year survival rates are less than half those in the UK.

Even after treatment is started there are huge difficulties due to the Israeli restrictions on supplies and the high cost of drugs, which often result in patients only being given four-weeks supply. This means the treatment is only partial, being either interrupted or ended early. Radiotherapy is not possible in Gaza as the necessary radioisotopes are forbidden by the Israeli authorities.

The consequences of all this are devastating with many women dying when their deaths are preventable; or living with the scars of medical techniques no longer practiced in the UK.

If you would like to join us for coffee, cake and a chat we will be open as usual, from 10:30 until 12:00 Monday, Wednesday & Friday with October’s proceeds going to this cause. For a week from 6th October we will also have a small exhibition at the centre giving more information about the situation and Al Ahli Arab Hospital.