Weekly update/overview on news and events Sept 26

We hope you are able to support the events and to share  the information with others to help widen our network and connections.

1. National News 

National demonstrations were held on 7 and 21 Sept in London and in Liverpool to coincide with the Labour Party Conference . Over 125,000 were estimated to have attended the London March, in spite of all the last minute changes imposed by the police, and around 15,000 attended the march in Liverpool  . 

The next National demonstration ,’One Year On – End the Genocide , Stop Arming Israel’, is planned for Saturday 5th October,  ( note change of date from 12 October ). National PSC want to make this the biggest march in months and encourage as many people as possible to attend. The route is now confirmed from Russell Square to Whitehall. 

Further details and updates : https://palestinecampaign.org/

Details of the PSC Trade Union Conference and Student Conference in the autumn are also listed there. 

Saturday 28 September is designated a Day of Action for  Palestine – Stop Arming Israel 

2. We are All Palestinian Fundraiser – September 5th 

Thanks to everyone who supported the joint event at St Pauls with Cambridge Artists for Palestine on the 5th September.  We are very happy to report that an amazing £2205.56 was raised for the Amos Trust Emergency Gaza Appeal 

Watch out for the next ‘We are all Palestinian Event’ – provisional date 28 November ( tbc ) 

3. Local Events

Healthworkers 4 Palestine 

invite everyone to join us for a 

Vigil for Palestine 

Friday 27 September 


Addenbrookes Roundabout, Cambridge

Cambourne Vigil for Palestine 

Friday 27 September 


Cambourne Square ( near Morrisons) 

All welcome 

 Regular weekly Cambridge PSC  stall outside the Guildhall, Market Square Cambridge 

Come and meet us, get information and buy Palestinian products 


11.30-1.30pm (Weather dependent )

Peaceful assembly with flags and placards, Saffron Walden 

Every Saturday 


Outside Saffron Walden Town Hall, Market Square 

All Welcome 

The Battle of Ideas: Racism and Resistance . The role of the Media in State Propaganda .

Organised by Essad_48 and ACFFL and supported by Cambridge PSC and other local organisations 

Tuesday 3rd October 

Tickets and Further information available :  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-battle-of-ideas-racism-and-resistance-tickets-1021844523477?aff=ebdsoporgprofile&keep_tld=1

Screening of the Film ‘Where Olive Trees Weep’ – organised by Cambridge Artists for Palestine and supported by CPSC 

12th October


at Storey’s Field Centre, Eddington, Cambridge  

Booking information and further details: 


Cambridge Stands with Palestine

Women in Black Silent Vigil, supported by Cambridge PSC  , outside the Guildhall, Market Square , Cambridge 

Saturday 5th October 

12-1 plus 

Rally 1.15pm (Gather by the Cambridge PSC stall)