Cambridge Palestine Assembly

Thursday 23rd May
7 – 9 pm
Wesley Methodist Church CB1 1LG

Please sign up in advance here:

Join us for an Assembly bringing together those who have been working on the issue of the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the oppression of the Palestinian people by the Israeli occupation. The Assembly has been initiated by trade unions, student groups and local campaigns and is open to all including university and college students and staff, trade unionists and activists, and people from across Cambridge and the wider region who want to build a stronger solidarity movement for Palestine.

The Assembly aims to build on the previous campaigning successes and form effective strategies and actions for the future in Cambridge, in the pursuit of justice for the people of Palestine.

Speakers include:

– Grace Cowan, Stop the War national officer
– Louise Regan, National Education Union and Palestine Solidarity Campaign
– Kareem Estefan, Cambridge University Staff for Palestine
Plus speakers from Healthworkers for Palestine, Cambridge Camp for Palestine, Cambridge Jews for Justice in Palestine and others

The Assembly will also include breakout sessions for organising in communities, building trade union networks including among healthworkers and educators, and a student-staff assembly focussing on organising against university complicity in genocide, apartheid and occupation through campaigns for disclosure and divestment.

The Assembly is initiatied by: Cambridge UCU, Cambridgeshire NEU, Stop the War Coalition, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Cambridge Camp for Palestine, Cambridge Healthworkers for Palestine, Cambourne for Palestine, Cambridge Artists for Palestine, Cambridge Families for Palestine, Cambridge Jews for Justice in Palestine.