Tell the Royal Academy no to censorship on Palestine!

The Royal Academy of Arts have disgracefully removed artworks by young artists challenging Israel’s genocidal violence against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.  

We cannot let the Royal Academy get away with shielding the state of Israel from accountability for its war crimes. Their actions help to cover up Israel’s ongoing atrocities and serve to dehumanise Palestinian people and erase their history and experiences.

Write to the Chief Executive of the Royal Academy today to tell them you are outraged by this censorship!

Vigil for Palestine

Join the Vigil 4 Palestine on Friday 26th at 18:00

Location: Roundabout near Addenbrooke’s bus stop

Addenbrookes Hospital, Hills Rd, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, United Kingdom

Plus Code: 54FR+XJ Cambridge, United Kingdom

ICJ says Israel’s presence in Palestinian territory is unlawful

ICJ at the Hague

The ICJ has declared that Israel’s ongoing presence in Palestinian territory is illegal and must cease as quickly as feasible.Nawaf Salam, who serves as president of the ICJ in The Hague, announced the nonbinding advisory opinion given by the 15-judge panel on Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory last Friday.

The judges cited various policies, such as the growth of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, exploitation of natural resources, annexation of land, and discriminatory actions against Palestinians, as breaches of international law.The court ruled that Israel does not have the authority over the territories, is breaching international laws on capturing land through force, and is obstructing the self-governance of Palestinians.

It was stated that other countries must not help Israel maintain its presence in the territory. According to a summary read out by Salam, Israel was instructed to halt settlement construction promptly and dismantle existing settlements.The court stated that Israel’s misuse of its position as the occupying power makes its presence in the occupied Palestinian territory illegal.

The court declared that Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, along with the system linked to them, have been created and are being upheld against international law.The United Nations General Assembly requested the court’s opinion in 2022.The ICJ, also referred to as the World Court, serves as the top UN authority for resolving conflicts among nations.

The full text of the advisory opininon of 19 July 2024 can be found here:

Email your local councillors and tell them to take action for Palestine

Write to your local councillors and ask them to stand with the Palestinian people….

psc councillors divest

Demand your councillors support motions calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire to end Israel’s assault. As well as advocate for the immediate divestment of any funds administered by the Council, including Local Government Pension Scheme funds, from companies complicit in Israel’s attacks, such as arms companies supplying Israel with weapons and military technology.

Use this link:

National March for Palestine 3 August

PSC national march 3 August

Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK

?National March for Palestine

⏰12 noon, Saturday 3 August

?Park Lane, London marching to Whitehall

Israel has escalated its genocidal assault on Palestinians in Gaza. Meanwhile our new government has done nothing to end UK complicity in Israels violence. Join us on 3 August to demand Keir Starmer stop arming Israel, restore funding for UNRWA and pressure Israel to end its genocidal assault on Palestine.

Please share this march with others.

#StopArmingIsrael #FreePalestine #CeaseFireNow

Divest for Palestine Conference


Where next for the solidarity movement?

Palestinians continue to face the darkest hour in their enduring struggle for liberation. Israel’s genocidal assault has killed many tens of thousands and displaced 90% of Gaza’s population. Across their homeland and in exile, Palestinians are subjected to a system of oppression that is recognised internationally as meeting the legal definition of the crime of apartheid. Over nine remarkable months, millions in Britain have so far taken to the streets in an unprecedented series of demonstrations demanding an end to British state, corporate and institutional complicity in Israel’s crimes.Now, this historic movement will come together to discuss the urgent need to escalate our struggle for Palestinian freedom.

On 10 August, a major conference in London will chart the way forward. We must mobilise popular pressure, across every sector of society, to break the ties of complicity linking British institutions and corporations to Israel’s machine of murder and oppression.The inspiring student encampments have already brought a renewed focus on academic boycott and divestment – the withdrawal of investments from companies that are implicated in sustaining Israeli apartheid.Trade union activists, artists, and members of the public are now demanding that local councils, universities, cultural institutions, and financial institutions like Barclays, cut their ties to apartheid and divest their funds from companies that are arming and enabling Israel’s genocide.

Don’t miss this landmark conference. Join movement leaders and campaigners as we plan the next steps for the solidarity movement.

Speakers include:

Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the BDS movement
Ghassan Abu-Sittah, British-Palestinian surgeon
Ben Jamal, Director of Palestine Solidarity Campaign
Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967

Location: Central Hall Westminster, Storey’s Gate, SW1H 9NH.

Time and Date: Saturday 10 August, 10.15am till 4.30pm

Register here:

Lobby Day Registration: Wednesday 24th July 2024

From the national PSC:

Parliament is about to break up for summer recess, but Palestine cannot wait until September for change. Over the last week we’ve seen multiple massacres targeting schools, mosques, and designated humanitarian ‘safe zones’ in the Gaza Strip. Every day Palestinians are being killed, and the new British government remains complicit.

That’s why we need you to join us for an emergency lobby on Wednesday 24th July – demanding new MPs take immediate action to end Israel’s genocide in the Gaza Strip

Shamefully, Foreign Secretary David Lammy was actually visiting Israel this week and shaking hands with Netanyahu while bombs were falling on Gaza. Even worse, Britain is continuing to sell weapons to Israel, and has still suspended its funding to UNRWA. This is why we need you to join us lobbying parliament on Wednesday 24th July, demanding change before MPs start the summer recess.

Register to join the lobby here:

To Cambridge PSC supporters

Note the regular Friday vigil at the Addenbrookes roundabout will this time be at King’s Parade.

Wednesday 17th July

6 pm Student Encampment
King’s Parade
Building on last week’s student-town groups meeting

Healthworkers 4 Palestine
6 pm – 7 pm
King’s Parade
in support of the student encampment

Friday 19th July

4 pm – 5 pm (also Saturday 20th July 11-12noon)
Cambourne Square (near Morrisons)
All Welcome

Thursday 18th at 6PM outside parliament

From National PSC:

This week has been one of the deadliest in the Gaza Strip since October, with Israel carrying out a series of massacres of displaced Palestinians sheltering in schools, mosques and a designated humanitarian ‘safe zone’ in Al Mawasi. Meanwhile, the new British government has been completely silent, continuing to provide Israel with arms and impunity to unleash this unconscionable violence.We must send the government a powerful message, starting this week. Join us this Thursday at 6pm as we come together and form a ring of linked hands around Parliament to call on political leaders to stop arming Israel and push for an immediate ceasefire. We need as many people as possible to make this a historic and striking demonstration, taking our demands to directly to the new government.We need as many people as possible to ramp up the pressure. Please join us on Thursday at 6PM outside parliament, and share widely with your friends and family. 

In solidarity, Celie, Campaigns Officer