October Coffee Mornings for Gaza Women

October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month,  the coffee mornings at the Community Centre at St Augustine’s Church, Richmond Road, will be dedicated to raising awareness of the problems facing the women in Gaza. We will also be raising funds for the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City, to help extend their education and screening program.

The Gaza strip is 25 miles long by about 7 miles wide and is home to some 1.8 million people. Three major conflicts in five years have led to massive levels of destruction and a devastated infrastructure – 90% of water is unsafe to drink and power cuts are currently lasting up to 20 hours a day. During this period, cancer rates have risen drastically in Gaza, which is particularly worrying for women, as breast cancer kills more women than any other form of cancer in there, and the five-year survival rates are less than half those in the UK.

Even after treatment is started there are huge difficulties due to the Israeli restrictions on supplies and the high cost of drugs, which often result in patients only being given four-weeks supply. This means the treatment is only partial, being either interrupted or ended early. Radiotherapy is not possible in Gaza as the necessary radioisotopes are forbidden by the Israeli authorities.

The consequences of all this are devastating with many women dying when their deaths are preventable; or living with the scars of medical techniques no longer practiced in the UK.

If you would like to join us for coffee, cake and a chat we will be open as usual, from 10:30 until 12:00 Monday, Wednesday & Friday with October’s proceeds going to this cause. For a week from 6th October we will also have a small exhibition at the centre giving more information about the situation and Al Ahli Arab Hospital.

Palestine: Understanding Zionism, Confronting Colonial Apartheid

Talk and discussion 16th October 2019

Speaker Hazem Jamjoum, a policy member of al-Shabaka, the Palestine Policy Network. (here he is speaking at the PSC conference last year https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYC4inmUHdM )

In this interactive presentation he will offer a historical analysis of the emergence of the Zionist movement, and some of the key factors and institutions relating to that movement that continue to shape Israeli settler colonialism in Palestine. Specifically, the event will offer examination of the ongoing forced displacement of Palestinians leading up to and since the establishment of the state of Israel, and the connections between Israeli policies and practices and those of other settler colonies in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Venue – Friends Meeting House Jesus Lane
Time – 7.30 pm

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/cambridgepalestineforum/
Twitter @CamPalSoc

Ethics as a Weapon of War & Israeli Settler Colonialism

17.30, Tuesday 12 March, Keynes Hall, King’s College
co-hosted by Critical Theory & Practice Seminar Series and Demilitarise Cambridge

Ever been confused by the claim that the Israeli military is ‘the most moral’ in the world? Join us to hear Dr James Eastwood talk about his brilliant new book, ‘Ethics as a Weapon of War: Militarism and Morality in Israel’, which focuses on how the ideology of military ethics acts to entrench Israel’s settler-colonial project.

Speaker: James Eastwood is Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Queen Mary University of London. His research to date has focussed on the relationship between ethics, violence, and militarism with a particular focus on the case of Israel. Alongside his first book published with Cambridge University Press, his work has also appeared in journals including the European Journal of International Relations, Security Dialogue, and Settler Colonial Studies.

Chair: Dr Mezna Qato is a Research Fellow in History of the Middle East at King’s College, Cambridge. She was co-editor of a special issue of Settler Colonial Studies on Palestine, and is completing a book on the history of education for Palestinians.
Facebook event here. https://www.facebook.com/events/402952446932458/

Talk: Sundus Azza from Youth Against Settlements

Organised by Cambridge University Palestine Society https://www.facebook.com/events/417298332349629/

Date: Wednesday 27th February 18.00 – 19.30 pm
Venue: Arthur Quiller Couch Room, Divinity School, St John’s College

Come and hear Sundus Azza talk about her involvement in community activism against illegal Israeli settlement and occupation in the West Bank.

Sundus Azza, 25, is an activist from Hebron, Palestine. She lives a few meters away from an illegal Israeli settlement and faces regular harassment from extremist Israeli settlers.

Her house has been vandalized and her and her family violently assaulted by settlers as well as soldiers. She has been a volunteer with Youth Against Settlements since 2008, documenting human rights violations as a media and activity organizer.

Youth Against Settlements is a Palestinian grassroots initiative to promote nonviolent community resistance against the Israeli occupation. The Open Shuhada Street campaign is an annual call to end the closures, restrictions, human rights violations, and occupation in the city of Hebron and all of Palestine.

#Walk to Palestine – Benjamin Ladraa

Talk organised by Cambridge University Palestine Society at Keynes Hall King’s College, Sunday February 10th 17.30 – 19.00 pm.

Benjamin Ladraa is a Swedish activist, who last year walked 5000 km from Sweden to Palestine to raise awareness about human rights violations under military occupation in Palestine. After 11 months of walking across 13 countries, he was interrogated by Israeli authorities for six hours and denied entry on a false premise.

After several months of talks around the US, we are welcoming Benjamin as part of his UK tour.

Hear Benjamin speak about his experiences, the situation of human rights under Israeli occupation, and the next step in his #WalkToPalestine campaign.


Reem Kelani at the Cambridge Jazz Festival

Date 23rd November
St Paul’s Church Hills Road
Doors open 7pm
Times 7.30 pm – 9 pm
Tickets £14/£8
Unreserved seating also available

Jazz Festival website https://www.cambridgejazzfestival.info/reem-kelani

Here’s a taster of Reem in action from her concert earlier this month in Sheffield: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOTAD5dDvcs

For tickets, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/reem-kelani-in-concert-in-cambridge-tickets-48691438403?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

Academic Life Under Occupation: The Experience at Gaza’s Universities

Cambridge City Amnesty are organising this talk on Thursday 15th November, 7.30 pm at the Friends Meeting House Jesus Lane.

Dr Mona Jebril will discuss her Cambridge PhD research on the impact of the siege and conflict on higher education in Gaza. The study explores the past and present higher education under occupation, and how this experience may be evolving in a shifting socio-political context in the Arab world. It is a pioneer contribution to the development of Palestinian higher education and to the dialogue on the Arab Spring from the Palestinian perspective.

see https://www.facebook.com/events/472288253280896/ for full details

Tickets via Eventbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/academic-life-under-occupation-the-experience-at-gazas-universities-tickets-51633980626?aff=efbeventtix&fbclid=IwAR2PMlZEhUv5wAzeBqVsw6Sr9WWo-ALKZTbUIRRpuxepGn9tjr0EjLEzQCw

Afterwards there will be an opportunity to ask questions . After refreshments the Cambridge City group will hold its monthly campaigns meeting from 9-10pm – newcomers are very welcome, especially if you would like to find out more about getting involved.

‘Cracks in the Wall: Beyond Apartheid in Palestine/Israel’ – with Ben White

At 6.30pm on 8th November 2018, join Ben White in conversation with Priyamvada Gopal at Cambridge Heffers bookshop, as they talk about Ben’s latest book, Cracks in the Wall, and how a peaceful, just relationship could be achieved for Israel/Palestine.
Now is the time to plot a course that avoids the mistakes of the past – a way forward beyond apartheid in Palestine. The solution is not partition and ethnic separation, but equality and self-determination – for all.
Ben White is a Cambridge-based journalist and analyst. He has also authored Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner’s Guide, and has published articles in The Guardian, The Independent, Newsweek Middle East, amongst others. He is a frequent guest on Al Jazeera.
Dr Priyamvada Gopal is Reader in Anglophone and Related Literature at Churchill College. Her work has appeared in the Times Literary Supplement, The Independent, The New Statesman and The Guardian, amongst others.
Tickets for the event are priced at £5 in advance or £7 on the door. They can be purchased through Eventbrite <www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cracks-in-the-wall-beyond-apartheid-in-palestineisrael-with-ben-white-tickets-49380734105>, by calling 01223 463200 or in person at Heffers bookshop. Please note that tickets are transferable but non-refundable.