Thursday 18th at 6PM outside parliament

From National PSC:

This week has been one of the deadliest in the Gaza Strip since October, with Israel carrying out a series of massacres of displaced Palestinians sheltering in schools, mosques and a designated humanitarian ‘safe zone’ in Al Mawasi. Meanwhile, the new British government has been completely silent, continuing to provide Israel with arms and impunity to unleash this unconscionable violence.We must send the government a powerful message, starting this week. Join us this Thursday at 6pm as we come together and form a ring of linked hands around Parliament to call on political leaders to stop arming Israel and push for an immediate ceasefire. We need as many people as possible to make this a historic and striking demonstration, taking our demands to directly to the new government.We need as many people as possible to ramp up the pressure. Please join us on Thursday at 6PM outside parliament, and share widely with your friends and family. 

In solidarity, Celie, Campaigns Officer